Curmudgeon's Cookery - Tasty Critters
Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887) Early Man, when he was hungry enough or starving, would chase down and catch, drag back, skin, sometimes cook, and then eat, whatever he could. Modern Man, in times of famine caused by war, crop failure, or simply being days remote from the closest store, will do the same. The fare, then and now, was not always fine venison or stewed rabbit. Sometimes the entree would be mystery meat such as crispy insect critters, "city squirrel," or a surplus old horse. Most cultures today have foods--"redneck pizza" (road kill on a busy highway), balut, chitlins, etc.--what others would decline. Folk Myths. A number of crazy stories have been around such as giant alligators lost in the sewers of New York City, old bones ground up fine and mixed into flour, or worms adulterating hamburger meat. Since a pound of fishing worms costs more than a pound of plain ground up beef, I think we can discount the latter. But some stories may be true!
Another myth concerns "Peking Poodle." One of the best accounts is
by Calvin Schwabe in his book Unmentionable Cuisine regarding Hong
Kong and dog meat (euphemistically "fragrant meat"). "..European
tourists...were traveling around the world with their dog and went to dine at a
highly recommended restaurant. They encountered a formidable language barrier
but persisted in ordering a resplendent dinner and, amidst much confusion and
gesturing, also conveyed, so they thought, the additional idea that their poodle
was hungry, too, and was there not something in the kitchen he might eat?
Vender gato per liebre. In Spain rabbits are often displayed with furry paws intact, so as to prove that the item is not cat.
How Clem got the idea, the Lord only knows, but somehow he got the notion he could make quite a bit of change by selling rabbit sandwiches. Anyhow, he put a stock out in front the house and started selling them like hot cakes to the autos what come through with out-of-state folks in them. He went along pretty good for a couple of months cutting bread and spreading on rabbit meat, and then one day the pure-food officer come down from Bangor and dropped in on him. He says to Clem, 'How in Sam HiIl do you git enough rabbit meat to put in all them sandwiches?' 'Oh, I git it,' says Clem.
Win, Place or Show. A journalist suggested that grading should be "Win, Place, or Show" instead of "Prime, Choice, and Good" grades after disclosure of horse meat substitution in hamburger patties. The meat syndicate was selling as many as 100,000 patties a day before it was caught and stopped by California authorities in 1948. August Glaive When We Have Nothing Else. "To supply our men and visitors we have killed and eaten ten wild horses bought from the Indians. This will make you pity us, but you had better save your pity for more worthy subjects. I do not prefer it to other meat, but can eat it very well when we have nothing else." Narcissa Whitman (letter to her family May 3, l837) Eat Crow! "Food shortages in the United States are so acute that in some states we are already eating horse meat, and in Oklahoma a state official urges that we eat crows, which he says, taste like roast duck." Clarence Birdseye American Magazine July, l943 Kermit McKemie |
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